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When your order reaches you, make sure that the packaging is torn, broken, unopened before taking delivery.

If the package is opened or excessively deformed and there are tears, wait for the attendant to open it together.

You can not keep the missing minutes for the order that is signed and received without checking.

Bu durumda siparişinizi eksiksiz ve sağlam teslim almış sayılırsınız. Bu yüzden siparişinizi teslim almadan önce kontrol etmeniz çok önemlidir.

After your order is in our system, it will be shipped between 1 and 7 days according to your residence.

If you think there is an error with your order, you can contact us through our communication channels on our site.

Your order is processed immediately after being sent to the relevant department. It is put in the order of shipment.

You can send your order to us by using the communication channels on our site.

Our company provides internship opportunities to university students for support purposes in pre-accounting, biochemistry, logistics, quality-control departments.

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